Hello everyone. If you’d like to read my science fiction novella “It’s Better This Way” just click one of the links below:
Kindle (.MOBI file) – place this file in the Documents folder of your Kindle
Nook and other e-readers (.EPUB file) – I don’t own an Epub-capable reader unfortunately
MS Word Document (.DOC file)
Rich Text Format (.RTF file)

It's Better This Way - small cover
Twenty-three years ago, the ‘bulls’ appeared in orbit and destroyed Earth’s infrastructure in less than ten seconds.
These days, the alien invaders aren’t as much of a problem as the surviving humans are.
Evan Greggs has learned that things aren’t always as bad as they seem, but sometimes the choices to be made are as murky as they are difficult.
24,000 word novella.
The book is free, so feel free to pass it around to anyone you think might be interested!