It’s Better This Way (novella) – update

Hi everyone. I would just like to say that I’ve re-read the novella “It’s Better This Way” and found a few errors that need to be corrected. I always try to wait a couple of weeks to re-read things to make sure all the punctuation, grammar, spelling, and extra/lack of words are correct. If I wait a bit, the story becomes fresh in my brain again, and I can spot them easier.

As an independent, self-published author, I hate mistakes. They annoy me more than anything. Unfortunately, I do not have a professional editor at this time. So please hang tight while I make sure everything in the book is correct and proper. I’ll be uploading a new version in a few hours, so if you planned on downloading the book, wait a little bit and let me get the fixed version up so your reading experience won’t be marred by a few issues here or there.

The story won’t change one bit, but I’ve found a couple of places that were missing an important word and a few that either needed a comma or didn’t have a comma. Thanks for being understanding!


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